
CCIRH is a community of newcomer and global health students, practitioners, researchers, and community leaders with the goal of building future leaders for newcomer health.

Our website offers open access e-learning and evidence-driven resources to support trauma and violence-informed care for refugees and other migrants.

We provide practical learning tools to prepare for newcomer engagement. We strongly recommend starting with The Power of Newcomer Stories (coming soon) and Refugee Health e-learning. The goal is to prepare users for the “Becoming a Leader” outreach activities. We provide tools for practitioners such as our E-Clinical Checklist, Newcomer ReConnect Tool (coming soon), and the Local Immigrant Partners Equity checklist (coming 2023).

Within the e-clinical checklist, you will discover our Cochrane immigrant health podcasts from some of the worlds leading experts in newcomer care.

Confident female doctor examine mother and baby.

Our Story

In 2005, we began an interdisciplinary Community Service Learning (CSL) program for newly arriving refugee families in Ottawa, Canada. 

What is CSL: Engaging in ‘real life’ community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society.

Over the past years, our CSL future leaders program has spread to over 18 universities from Vancouver, Canada to Beirut, Lebanon. Our e-learning and summer institutes have supported the development of over 5000 community changemakers worldwide. We now also support CSL working groups for global health journalism (Global Health Passport Instagram) and our upcoming Reconnect Newcomer Stories project.

In 2006, we formed a research working group to develop the world’s first and most cited evidence-based refugee guidelines to help practitioners (CMAJ 2011). We have gone on to publish guidance for Syrian refugees (CMAJ 2016) European CDC (2018), and for Ukrainian humanitarian migrants (CMAJ 2022). We invite you to check our most cited research and guidance publications at Cochrane Equity Methods:

We also have developed a Design with Communities initiative to ensure community members and leaders are contributing to our community innovations.

Our Goal

To provide transitional e-training, certificates, community engagement activities, and reflections that develop future leaders for international migrant organizations and refugee health networks,

Associated Refugee Networks

International Organization for Migration (IOM) https://www.iom.int/ 

World Health Organization (WHO) https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/refugee-and-migrant-health 

MSF- Medecins Sans Frontieres https://www.msf.org/ 

Global Society on Migration Equity Race and Health (GSMERH) https://www.gsmerh.org/

MHADRI: The Migration Health and Development Research Initiative https://mhadri.org/

Society of Refugee Health Practitioners: https://refugeesociety.org/

Canadian Refugee Health Network: TBA 

Australian Refugee Health Network: https://www.refugeehealthnetworkqld.org.au/refugee-health-network-australia/

US CDC Immigrant and Refugee Health
