6.1 Objectives


Through this module, you will:

  • Understand how collaboration between health providers and settlement workers can improve care delivery
  • Explore the process of delivering and tailoring primary health care for a newly arriving refugee family
  • Become familiar with key aspects of a refugee health network
  • Become comfortable and competent with the health and social resources valuable for older immigrants and refugees

Host Introduction Video

Read the video transcript

Welcome to the collaborator module. My name is Doug Gruner and I am a family physician. I’ve been working with refugee families for over 10 years and I’ve experiences first-hand the struggle providers face, when trying to provide good quality care to this population. Collaboration entails working effectively with other disciplines with the common goal of finding a solution to a common problem. The Champlain Immigrant Health Network in Ottawa is an example of collaboration. The network consists of healthcare providers, social workers, pharmacists, settlement workers, researchers, and those from public health all of whom come from very different disciplines and perspectives but share the same focus of improving the health of newly arriving refugees. The problem we identified was the lack of timely and effective access to healthcare for refugees, we needed to work together to find solutions and this is an ongoing challenge. In this module, various professionals provide their perspectives on the delivery of care our refugee family. Enjoy!

Duration: 1 minute 4 seconds